Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Interview

St John's is known most widely for its diversity and every day here that becomes more apparent. After an interview with classmate Sohyun Park, I saw a little deeper into the diversity.

Tara: Why was it that you traveled to Korea?
Sohyun: First of all, I was born there. I have my mom's side that still lives there and I recently traveled there last summer for a graduation present and the night life is really interesting there.

T: So you speak Korean fluently?
S: Somewhat, not all the time. To my mom, not to my dad.

T: Is there a lot of English speaking people in Korea or is it just that you can get around, conversationally?
S: I can get around perfectly fine with the amount of Korean I speak but there are other places, like certain cities that are international so there are some people who speak just English.

T: Any other languages that you speak?
S: A really little Spanish.

Here is the full interview:

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